Kamis, 23 Januari 2020
There is not a single word, in the whole world
That could describe the hurt the dullest knife just sawing and back and forth
And ripping through the softest skin there ever was

How were you to know?
Well, how were you to know?

And I, I hate to see your heart break
I hate to see your eyes get darker as they close
But I've been there before
And I, I hate to see your heart break
I hate to see your eyes get darker as they close
But I've been there before

Love, happens all the time, to people who aren't kind
And heroes who are blind,
Expecting perfect script in movie scenes
Once an awkward silence mystery

How were you to know?
Well how were you to know, oh, oh?

And I, I hate to see your heart break
I hate to see your eyes, get darker as they close
But I've been there before
And I, I hate to see your heart break
I hate to see your eyes, get darker as they close
But I've been there before

For all the air that's in your lungs
For all the joy that is to come
For all the things that you're alive to feel
Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal

Well, how were you to know?
Well, how were you to know?

(Paramore - Hate To See Your Heart Break)

Source : @febrmdhn on Instagram

Mana yang kamu pilih, berbohong untuk mendapatkan permen, atau jujur namun harus menelan pil pahit?

Hari ini aku memilih pilihan kedua, dan akibatnya aku harus menerima pahitnya kenyataan yang harus kutelan, ketika kejujuran yang kuungkapkan bukanlah sesuatu yang ingin ia dengar.

"Maaf," kataku.
"Sudah ya, cukup. Terima kasih", balasnya, "Saya nggak akan ganggu kamu lagi".
Aku terhenyak. Bukan ini akhir yang kuinginkan. Bukankah baru beberapa saat lalu kami melepas rindu, saling berbincang, dan semuanya berjalan baik-baik saja?

Can I have my last 6 hours, please? Aku ingin pinjam bahunya untuk pertama, atau mungkin terakhir kali, aku nggak tahu kedepannya bagaimana. Untuk apa? Entahlah. Selama ini aku nggak pernah mampu menangis di depannya. Tapi seenggaknya, aku ingin bersandar walau sebentar. Sedih, karena begitu banyak hal menyangkut dirinya yang aku rasakan dan sulit kupahami, apalagi dijelaskan. Aku saja nggak paham, apalagi dia. Yang kulakukan justru menyakitinya, padahal sungguh aku nggak bermaksud begitu.

Aku pernah tersakiti karena kecewa, hari ini aku yang menyakiti seseorang. Hal ini membuatku sadar, there's no better feeling between being hurt or hurting. Keduanya sama-sama menyakitkan. Dan menyakitinya berarti menyakiti diriku sendiri. I always hate to see his heart break, but ironically I'm the one who breaks it. I'm not fine with that, of course. Sesakit ini rasanya.



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