Jumat, 02 November 2012

Rest In Peace, Mitch Lucker :(

Sumpah.. aku masih nggak percaya sama berita yang baru aja aku baca di status salah satu temen Facebook-ku. Dia nulis, "emang bener Mitch Lucker meninggal?"
Aku kaget, langsung aja aku cek Google, cari kebenaran berita itu. Ternyata.. inilah salah satu berita yang aku temuin..

Mitch Lucker, singer for the Riverside heavy metal band Suicide Silence, died Thursday morning, Nov. 1, after being in a motorcycle crash Wednesday night. The Orange County coroner’s office said Lucker was pronounced dead at 6:17 a.m. Thursday at UCI Medical Center in Orange County. Coroner’s officials said Lucker was hospitalized after a motorcycle accident shortly before 9 p.m. Wednesday. Huntington Beach police were investigating the crash and expected to release details Thursday morning. Calls and emails to the band’s record label and management were not immediately returned Thursday. The Suicide Silence website has been down all morning. The 28-year-old lived in Huntington Beach but grew up in Riverside, where the band formed a decade ago from friends who knew each other in the local music scene, playing venues such as the now-defunct Showcase Theater in Corona. The band’s debut album, “The Cleansing,” came out in 2007 and was followed by two other albums, including 2011’s “The Black Crown,” which was written in Big Bear. Suicide Silence toured on the Mayhem Festival in 2008 and 2011 and also earned two consecutive Revolver Golden Gods Awards, for most innovative band and best new band. “We wanted to make this aggressive, heavy or fast music. It's fun to play; it's something to do on a summer's night, because there's nothing to do. It's like, 'Yeah, let's have a show.' That means everyone gets together,” Lucker said in a 2011 interview. The band was scheduled to perform at California Metalfest VI in San Bernardino on Saturday, Nov. 24. We will have more updates about this story as it develops.

Intinya dia meninggal karena kecelakaan motor di hari Rabu sekitar jam 9 malem waktu setempat, trus meninggal hari Kamis jam 1 pagi waktu setempat. Sumpah, aku shock banget. Aku hampir nggak percaya salah satu vokalis favoritku meninggal :(

Ini foto terakhir yang dia upload

Menurut temen Facebook-ku yang ngefans sama dia, foto ini di upload satu hari yang lalu. Dia pake jas rapi dengan make up tengkorak. Selain itu dia juga nge-tweet gini, "The Dead Are Living," dan itu merupakan tweet terakhirnya. Mungkinkah ini sebuah firasat?
Tanggal meninggalnya juga unik.. 1 November '12 (1 + 11 = 12)

Berita tentang meninggalnya Mitch Lucker ini bener-bener menggemparkan para Facebookers, khususnya para pecinta musik cadas. Berita ini bahkan jadi trending topic di Twitter.

Haaahh.. nggak kebayang ya. Suicide Silence tentu bakal beda kalo Mitchy nggak ada. No one can replace him. Well.. Rest in peace, Mitchy.. we love you..

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